
In 2018, NEL’s parent, Nihtat Corporation, pursued federal funding to develop a number of renewable energy projects in Inuvik and other areas of the north.
Thus, NEL was created in 2018 as a separate business entity focused on undertaking the planning and development of these initiatives, and on investigating and planning for the next stage of renewables development in the Beaufort Delta region. These solar installations materially increased the amount of renewable capacity installed in Inuvik, while also providing construction and other benefits to community members and businesses. In addition to meeting NEL’s Core Planning Objectives, implementation of these initiatives has also contributed to meeting both territorial and federal climate change initiatives by involving Indigenous and remote communities in the installation of renewables that reduce fossil fuel use and GHG emissions.
Completed Projects 2018-2020
Inuvik Residential Solar Net Metering
Working with Nihtat Corporation, NEL completed a multi-residential community solar net metering Project in Inuvik using an informal “co-operative” structure. The approach provided initial cost savings through economies of scale related to bundling of installation orders for customers, and added efficiencies related to labour and mobilization expenses. Nihtat and NEL coordinated and managed the purchase and initial ownership of the solar PV units, securing all related approvals and grant funding, installation of units under purchase arrangements on roofs of the participating homes, confirming ongoing O&M services related to the units, and coordinating ongoing monitoring and reporting on the Project.
Inuvik North Mart Store Solar PV Installation
In summer 2019, NEL installed a 165 kW AC ground mounted PV plant located on a vacant NWC lot adjacent to the Inuvik North Mart store. Nihtat Corporation approached Northwest Company (NWC) in late March 2018 to discuss the opportunity, with federal Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities (CERRC) funding, to deploy solar PV panels under lease to NWC for installation on the roofs of NWC stores in NWT and Nunavut thermal zone communities. The initiative would reduce energy costs for NWC stores and demonstrate partnership with Indigenous organizations. Nihtat and NWC proceeded with a pilot in Inuvik, with the understanding that the concept could be expanded to other NWC stores in Nunavut and NWT.
Inuvik Mackenzie Hotel Solar PV Installation
In 2019, NEL installed a 99 kW AC ground-mounted PV plant located on a vacant lot North-West of the Mackenzie Hotel in Inuvik. The Mackenzie Hotel is a major commercial user of power in Inuvik, with electricity use approximating 490 MW.h/year. Nihtat and the Mackenzie Hotel agreed in April 2018 to work together to investigate a possible solar PV option for the hotel facility, where NEL would deploy solar panels under lease to the hotel for installation on the roof or other adjacent property. Investigations confirmed that a vacant site adjacent to the hotel and owned by Gwich’in Development Corporation (GDC) provided the best location for deploying solar PV for use by the hotel.
Planned Projects
Solar Projects
Aklavik 150 kV Solar PV Installation
60 kW Solar installation at the International Satellite Station Facility
Iqaluit NorthMart Warehouse Behind the Meter Project
Inuvik 1 MW Solar Farm
Biomass Projects
Biomass boiler installations in Inuvik
NEL applied for and was awarded CERRC bioheat funding to install biomass heating systems in GNWT buildings in the Beaufort Delta to displace diesel and natural gas use. Pursuant to objectives outlined in the 2030 Energy Strategy, the biomass installation project would:
Help to increase the share of renewable energy used for space heating; and
Encourage GNWT partnerships with Indigenous and community governments and industry.
In 2020/21, NEL is pursuing the replacement of biomass boilers in up to 6 buildings. A heat agreement with GNWT was concluded in April 2020, and NEL is proceeding with boiler installations in 2021.
1. Inuvik High Penetration Renewables Study (2020-21)
Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities (CERRC) funded study focused on determining the capacity for the Inuvik grid to support future development of high penetration renewable projects, and identifying what measures are required to support these developments. The study included undertaking a pre-feasibility level of assessment related to an additional 1-3 MW wind project near Inuvik; an up to 1 MW grid-connected solar farm in Inuvik; and related energy storage requirements to ensure grid stability.
2. Pellet Mill Feasibility Assessment (2020)
Potential Yukon-based wood pellet supply options can reduce the one-way haul distance to Inuvik from 3,100 km (LaCrete, Alta.) to much lower levels (e.g., 1,225 km from Whitehorse, 1,350 km from Haines Junction) and reduce the delivered cost of wood pellets to Inuvik and other Beaufort Delta communities. In 2020, with Northern REACHE funding, NEL assessed the feasibility of developing a pellet mill in Yukon to enhance wood biomass displacement of fossil fuel use for heating in Yukon and Beaufort Delta communities.
3. District Energy System (DES) (2020)
NEL understands that community-wide, co-operative or municipality-owned district energy systems heated with biomass have helped to facilitate decarbonization of northern communities. A community-wide district energy system (DES) would allow Inuvik to source biomass fuels, whether pellets or chips, in bulk, helping to reduce the delivered cost of heat. NEL received northern REACHE funding to undertake a prefeasibility study in 2020 for the development of a district energy system in Inuvik.
4. Biomass Supply Chain Optimization Study (2019)
Since 2018, NEL has worked to explore ways to optimize the biomass supply chain to the Beaufort Delta in order to reduce delivered costs and make switching to biomass fuel for heating more cost-effective.